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Comments from the 2014 Burning Man Festival about Chef David Weideman




"With an alchemical, almost diabolical sense of flavor, he creates ethereal confections for the most exclusive, demanding clients. Davidoff Cigars burned to ash over his mesquite-broiled sate."


"David Weidman has spent a lifetime prowling Los Angeles in a quest for culinary marvels."


"Ground Zero Advertising coos over his exotic centerpieces. Ixtlan Pictures and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce love his pastries."


"From pre-dawn voyages into L.A.'s ethnic bazaars, he has looked for the rarest of spices. On expeditions to tiny specialty farms, Dave has discovered the secret hiding places of produce so fresh that it reminds you of when you were a kid."


"The LA Weekly acknowledged him with its Best Cheesecake Award in 1989."


"While as co-owner of Silverlake's Grassy Knoll coffeehouse, he has acquired an FBI dossier as dense and mysterious as the cheesecake itself."


"An entire army of shady back-room middlemen can't say exactly how, but they all know why. They all agree that his food is to die for."


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